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Beautiful oil on linen painting.
Painting in good condition, frame with signs of use.
Koempoel was born in 1912 in Paron Village, Ngawi, Indonesia. His father was an officer in the railway company of the Dutch East Indies government during the era of colonialism. He still inherited royal blood from his ancestor, RA. Prawirodidjo, who was also known as Prince Sentot Ali Basah Prawirodirjo. This condition enabled him to study at the technical school (HIS) in Surabaya, which later proved beneficial for the development of his painting technique.
Koempoel's talent caught Van Staal's attention. He recommended Koempoel to the naturalist Gerard Pieter Adolfs, one of the proponents of the Beautiful Indie style. Dr. Soerodjo was so impressed by Koempoel's work that he decided to sponsor Sujatno Koempoel.