Our auction rules ensure fair auctions for all parties. It is important that you are well aware of these rules before you start selling or bidding on the platform.
Please note: Kunstveiling can derogate from the auction rules below, for example in the case of dispersal sales, special auctions or charity auctions.
As long as no bid has been placed on your item yet, you may edit the auction description and the photos published. You can also lower the starting bid. Once a first bid has been made on your item, this is no longer possible.
Artpeers only accepts works from recognized artists.
When creating your auction, you will be asked to link your item to one of the artists listed in our database. This database is being updated continuously. If the artist does not occur in our database, you can send us a request to add the artist in question by pressing the button The artist is not yet included in the database. To be accepted on our platform, the artist must meet the following criterium:
The artist appears in the Artprice database showing appealing auction results. Artprice.com provides a historical overview of the auction results from many thousands of auction houses worldwide.
Artpeers nevertheless reserves the right not to add artists that do meet this criterium if we consider that the work or the artist does not or no longer add value to the auction offer or contribute to its quality.
To launch an auction, please go to the page sell an item. You will follow several steps until your auction is complete and launched.
Please note:
Binding nature
The auction description is binding: make sure to double check the description once the auction has been launched. You can edit the description until a first bid has been placed.
Accuracy and completeness of the information
The information you provide about the item (name of the artist, provenance, edition number etc.) needs to be accurate and relevant. You may not mislead the buyer.
If indications should reach us that your auction description is incomplete and/or contains incorrect or irrelevant information, you will be notified and given the opportunity to modify the description. If you fail to do so, the item will be removed and Artpeers may decide to terminate your account.
When creating an auction, you provide information about the offered item in the auction description. You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information that you provide about the item (name of the artist, provenance, edition number etc.).
If indications should reach us that your auction description is incomplete and/or contains incorrect or irrelevant information, you will be notified and given the opportunity to modify the description. If you fail to do so, the item will be removed and Artpeers may decide to terminate your account.
You set the duration of the auction yourself: at least 4 days and at most 2 weeks. On the page of your item in auction you will notice a countdown of the time remaining until the end of the auction. If a bid is placed during the last 5 minutes, the auction will be extended automatically by 5 more minutes, until 5 minutes have passed without any new bid being placed.
It is not possible to prolong an auction by yourself or terminate an auction early. It is not allowed to offer an item elsewhere as long as the auction on Artpeers is still running.
As a seller you will be charged a flat administration fee per successfully sold item. Irrespectively of the auction result, this fee is:
The buyer will be charged a buyer’s premium of 15%, including VAT. (For further information, please consult this section).
The art or design object that you are auctioning is an original work, made by the artist or published with the artist’s permission. Damaged or worthless objects will not be accepted.
As the seller, you set the starting bid for your item in auction. It has to be an amount in whole euros starting at 10 euro. When setting the starting bid, please be aware that works of art at Artpeers are being sold at auction prices. On average, auction prices are around 20% of the original gallery price.
In addition to the auction rules that sellers and buyers are bound by, you as the seller determine the contractual terms that apply to the sale between you and the highest bidder. It is therefore your own responsibility to clearly communicate these terms and conditions in your auction description and to honor what you have agreed to.
In the future we will organize a monthly Auction Special: a selection of works by a specific artist group or art movement (CoBrA for example, or the Hague School), from a particular art discipline (such as printing techniques, photography or ceramics) or around a specific theme (‘ports and seascapes’ for instance, or ‘modern paintings’). We highlight these Specials on our homepage, via the newsletter and on social media. Auctions in a Special always end on Monday evening between 19:00 and 23:00.
If you wish to auction items in a Special, you can add them to the Special yourself from 2 weeks before the Special ends. Items that have been added to a Special may be removed by Artpeers without giving any reason if we consider that they do not belong there.
It is not permitted to offer Reproductions, such as posters and art prints up for auction at Artpeers/Artpeers, with the exception of works that have been purposely signed in that manner by the artist. Items that are not covered by this exception will be removed by Artpeers.
What is the artist’s resale right?
The artist’s resale right ensures that artists (from the EU and EEA) can profit economically from the success of their works. It entitles creators to a percentage of the sale price each time one of their original works is resold. Resale royalties apply to original works in the graphic and fine arts, such as paintings, photographs, signed limited editions and sculptures. This right only apples to sales involving a professional art dealer. The artist’s resale right expires 70 years after the death of the artist.
Please note: in the Netherlands, the resale right only applies to works of art with a sales price of € 3,000 or more, excluding VAT. (In Belgium the threshold amount is € 2,000, excluding VAT.)
When does the resale right apply at Artpeers?
The artist’s resale right does not apply when an artwork is sold by a private individual to another private individual. Only when you are bidding on items offered by the accounts ‘Veilingmeester’, ‘VeilingmeesterCollecties’ or by another professional seller, this may apply to you. Professional sellers at Artpeers are allowed to pass the legally required resale royalties on to you as the buyer. However, they must clearly state in the auction description of the item concerned that they will pass on the resale royalties. The seller is not allowed to confront you with these costs only afterwards.
The seller calculates the resale royalties over the selling price (including the buyer’s premium, excluding VAT) according to a degressive tariff scale:
Calculation example
If a work has been sold for € 60,000, the resale royalty is calculated as follows: 4% resale royalties must be paid over the portion of the resale price up to € 50,000 (€ 2,000). 3% resale royalties must be paid over the remaining part of the resale price (€ 10,000), which is € 300. The total due is € 2,000 + € 300 = € 2,300
If you want to continue reading about the artist’s resale right, please click here.
Please add photographs that do justice to the work, and at the very least: one picture of the work in its entirety, one or multiple pictures of important details and one close-up picture of the signature. In case of classical paintings, it is important to include a photo of the back of the painting. Click here for more auction tips.
Please note: do not add any pictures protected by copyright. If you obtain photographs from the internet, please make sure that they are royalty-free. If you do post copyrighted photos, you will be held responsible in case of any claims.
The items you sell in auction come with a 3-week guarantee, unless you have expressly specified the contrary in the auction description. The guarantee takes effect from the moment the work is demonstrably in the hands of the buyer, and covers the condition of the work, its authenticity and possible damages, if any, that may occur during transport. Please also read the extensive Terms of Guarantee.
Free account
A Artpeers account is and will stay free of charge for buyers and sellers. No fixed fees will be charged for participating in the auctions.
Fees for sellers
Artpeers will not charge a seller’s commission. We do charge you a flat administration fee of €7,50 including VAT per item sold.
Fees for buyers
The buyer will be charged a buyer’s premium of 15%, including VAT, on the hammer price. The seller collects this premium directly from the buyer and will transfer it to Artpeers afterwards.
Shipping costs
Sellers may charge the buyer for the costs of shipping a sold item. However, the amount that you charge for shipping cannot be higher than the maximum shipping costs permitted, as indicated when launching the auction.
Other expenses
You are not allowed to pass other expenses on to the buyer, such as restoration or storage costs.
Resale rights
If you are a professional seller and you owe resale royalties to the artist, you can charge the buyer for this resale right if the auction result exceeds € 400. However, this must be mentioned in the auction description in advance.
Invoice and payment
In the month following the sale, Artpeers will send you an invoice for the € 7,50 flat administration fee per item sold, plus the buyer’s premium of 15% that you will have collected from the buyer. Your invoice will be sent around the 8th of the following month. You can pay by iDEAL or by bank transfer.
Should you fail to pay your invoice (after several reminders), the collection of the payment will be passed on to a third party.
You are not permitted to use texts, images or photographs published at Artpeers for your own purposes, other than for the purpose of supporting your activities at Artpeers. For example, you may share an auction on social media using the social buttons, but you may not use the Artpeers logo or copy text from auction descriptions for use on other platforms.
You also acknowledge that all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights related to the Artpeers services are owned by Artpeers (or affiliated partes). This also applies to the pictures and the description that you publish when offering an artwork up for auction at Artpeers.
All prices at Artpeers should be displayed including VAT. If you have to pay VAT on the items you sell, you may wish to provide an invoice with specified VAT.
The category Prints includes all printing techniques, such as lithographs, screen prints, etchings, engravings, woodcuts and linocuts. We only accept prints that are hand signed by the artist him/herself.
Unsigned prints, loose leaf prints or artworks with an auction value of over € 75, books with original prints and posters are only permitted in very exceptional cases if they are clearly auction-worthy and have been produced in a limited edition. In the latter case, you put the work up for auction in the category Arts, under the heading ‘Special Editions’.
Prints that do not meet the above criteria may be removed by Artpeers without any reasons being given.
If bids have been placed on your item, a contract of sale will be established between you and the highest bidder at the time the auction ends. You are obligated to sell the item at this winning bid.
Artpeers uses your contact details to facilitate the settling of your auction and/or to respond to requests for further information.
You are not allowed to include phone numbers, e-mail addresses and other contact details in the auction description.
Your item has been sold? Artpeers will send you the contact details of the buyer by e-mail. You must contact the buyer within 3 days after the auction to arrange payment and delivery (pick up, shipment by regular mail or delivery by a courier) by mutual agreement. The buyer disposes of a 7-day payment term to transfer you the purchase price including the buyer’s premium.
Please note: Sometimes your e-mail ends up in the buyer's spam box. If you have not received any response from the buyer within 7 days after the sale, please contact us. Artpeers will take further steps towards the buyer to settle the transaction.
Curiosa, utensils such as crockery (parts), ashtrays and tableware are not accepted in auction at Artpeers. Only design, glass and ceramics from recognized designers and/or manufacturers, and applied art objects that are of art historical value will be accepted. Loose gemstones are never accepted at Artpeers.
It is expressly NOT allowed to publish links in the auction description to (commercial) websites where trading takes place outside of Kunstveiling, nor to publish links to websites irrelevant to the item in auction. Artpeers can remove such links without giving any reason.
Shill bidding is not permitted. For you as a seller, this implies that you are not allowed to bid on your own item in auction, neither via your own account nor via the account of a third party.
To guarantee a varied and changing offer on Kunstveiling, a limit has been set on the number of works by the same artist that may be added at the same time. Per account, you may add up to 5 (different) works by the same artists at the same time.
All prices published at Artpeers should include VAT. If you have to pay VAT on your items sold, you may wish to provide an invoice with detailed VAT.
If no bid has been placed on your item during the auction, bidders may make an aftersale bid, as long as you do not remove the item or re-offer it up for auction. A bidder may make a one-time aftersale bid of at least 90% of the starting bid. You as the seller can reject or accept this bid. If an aftersale bid is made below the starting bid and you decline the offer, other bidders will still have the possibility to bid in the aftersale. If you decline an aftersale bid that is equal to or higher than the starting bid, the item will automatically be removed.
If an aftersale bid is made, you have to accept or decline the offer within 5 days. If you fail to do so, both the aftersale bid as well as the item will automatically be removed. During this 5-day period, the item is ‘under bid’ and it is not possible for third parties to make another aftersale bid.
Items in the aftersale can be found on the artist page and on the full offer page by selecting the filter ‘aftersale only’.
It is not permitted to offer reissues or reprints in auction at Kunstveiling, such as reproductions of paintings, drawings or original prints or replicas of sculptures.
Items that do not comply with this auction rule may be removed by Artpeers without giving any reason.
By putting an item up for auction at Kunstveiling, you declare being the rightful owner of the item and competent to transfer ownership to the highest bidder.
Artpeers can provide you with informal auction estimates for your artworks and help you attributing a work to its artist. Please click here for more information about auction estimates.
A sale can only be canceled under the following conditions and/or in the following cases:
When a buyer does not complete the purchase
If 7 days after the sale of your item you have not heard from the buyer and have not received payment, you must send a reminder to the bidder in "My Artpeers --> Sold items." This can be done from 5 days after the end of the auction and must be done within 40 days after the auction ends. If you have done this and still do not receive payment, you must cancel the sale after 3 days and within 17 days after the reminder. Cancellations outside this period can no longer be processed. The item can then be relisted if necessary, and the bidder will be excluded from Artpeers (and the foreign Artpeers/Artpeers websites).
When a buyer withdraws from the purchase due to an incorrect description of the item (see also guarantee policy).
If you, as the seller, have described the item incorrectly or incompletely in the auction description, this can be a valid reason for the buyer to withdraw from the purchase. You can then submit the cancellation of the sale with "Valid Reason" within 40 days in "My Artpeers --> Sold items." Artpeers reserves the right to reject this cancellation or request additional evidence.
By mutual agreement
Cancellation is also possible if the buyer and you, as the seller, mutually agree, for any reason, to withdraw from the sale. In such cases, Artpeers will charge administrative and auction costs for the canceled sale.
You may not remove your item during the auction. Only our auctioneers have the right to delete an item during the auction and/or cancel a sale if your auction does not comply with our auction rules. In case of repetition, your account may be closed.
Any other expenses incurred by you as the seller will be at your own expense, with the exception of shipment or delivery costs, which are at the buyer’s expense. You may take storage or restoration costs into account when setting the starting bid.
Your bid is always binding. This implies that you cannot withdraw a placed bid and that you are bound to it by law. If you are the highest bidder at the end of the auction, you have won. A contract of sale is automatically established between you and the seller when the auction closes. Autobids or aftersale bids are binding as well.
Please note: the EU Consumer Rights Directive’s right of withdrawal is applicable but only to items sold by professional sellers. However, you may not appeal to this right of withdrawal to evade your responsibilities or your obligation to comply with our auction rules. If you refuse to purchase the item you won, you may be excluded from future participation in auctions at Artpeers.
It is not permitted to put the following items or products up for auction at Kunstveiling, regardless of their possible legality:
Please note: It is your responsibility as a seller to make sure that your item in auction, its description and all other statements you make in relation to the auction (a) do not infringe any intellectual property or other rights of any person or legal entity, (b) do not violate any applicable law, including criminal law, tort law and other regulations, and (c) are not offensive, obscene, insulting, false, unreliable or misleading.
You may charge the buyer for shipping costs (including packaging material). The risk of shipping (and any resulting damage) lies with the seller unless explicitly agreed otherwise with the buyer. As the seller you can recover any damage from the transporter afterwards.
When setting up your auction, you select the option applicable: collection or shipment by postal services. For shipping by post you indicate the maximum weight and corresponding shipping costs using a graduated scale. For parcels up to 10 kilo a maximum rate of € 13,50 applies; only for heavier parcels you may charge a higher rate.
Please note: if a work cannot be shipped by postal services (e.g. because of its dimensions), you must always offer the buyer the opportunity to collect the work free of charge.
Please note: it is not permitted to charge higher shipping fees (including packaging materials) than you have indicated when setting up the auction. It is also not allowed to deviate in the auction description from the shipping costs stated.
It is not possible for artists to auction their own works via Artpeers.
Launching an auction is free of charge!
As a seller you will be charged a flat administration fee per successfully sold item. Irrespectively of the auction result.
In the category Art/Design/Jewelry: € 7.50 including VAT
The buyer will be charged a buyer’s premium of 15%, including VAT, on the hammer price. This buyer’s premium will be clearly stated at the time of bidding so that the buyer knows exactly how much he must pay you if he wins the auction. Also, both you and the buyer will receive an e-mail at the end of the auction stating the winning bid and the final price that you should charge the buyer. You are not allowed to pass the administration fee on to the buyer.
Artpeers will send you an invoice in the following month after the sale for the buyer’s premium paid to you by the buyer, as well as the administration fee per item sold.
Please note: If you are a professional seller and you wish to charge the buyer for the Artist Resale Rights, this must be clearly stated in the auction description. Otherwise, you are not allowed to charge the buyer for those costs.
If your auction has ended and no bids have been placed on your item, you can decide to re-offer the item. You can re-offer up to 5 times. If your item remains unsold after 6 auction rounds, you can re-offer the item for a final round with a starting bid at € 10 (ATP). Instead of re-offering, you may also choose to remove an unsold item.
Please note: Kunstveiling can derogate from the auction rules below, for example in case of dispersal sales, special auctions or charity auctions.
The seller may adjust the auction (the description, the photos, or lowering the starting bid) as long as no bids have been placed on the item. Once a first bid has been made, this is no longer possible.
The information that the seller provides about the item in the auction description must be accurate and complete. If indications reach us that an auction description contains inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant information, we will request the seller to correct it. (If you come across inaccuracies in an auction description, please let us know us by e-mail.)
If it turns out that a work you have bought is not conform the auction description, it is important that you notify the seller immediately. You may then try to find a solution by mutual agreement. If it is clearly a matter of inaccurate or incomplete information in the auction description, you may, in principle, opt out of the contract of sale. In that case the seller is obliged to take back the item and to refund you the purchase price, the buyer’s premium and shipping or delivery costs. However, any costs that you may incur in returning the item to the seller will be at your own expense.
If you cannot reach an agreement directly with the seller, please contact us.
The seller sets the duration of the auction: at least 4 days and at most 2 weeks. On the page of the item in auction, you will find the time remaining until the end of the auction. If you or another bidder places a bid in the last 5 minutes, the end time of the auction will automatically be extended by 5 minutes, until no new bids are placed.
The art or design objects that you find in auction at Artpeers are authentic and made by recognized artists or designers.
The starting bid in an auction is an amount in whole euros starting at €1 and is set by the seller. A starting bid is on average around 20% of the original gallery price.
When bidding, you can choose to enter a higher amount than the next minimum bid. You then place a so-called autobid. You can do so by entering the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for the item, in whole euros and without separators or decimals (1000 is OK, but not 1.000,00).
The system will then bid for you and will only bid up to the maximum if necessary. In this way, you never pay more for an item than you intended. The maximum bid that you enter is strictly confidential and not visible to the seller or other bidders.
The computer will bid for you up to the maximum bid and should you be outbid, you will be notified by e-mail. In case of two identical bids, the (auto)bid that has been placed first wins the auction.
Some examples:
Starting bid € 100.
You bid € 200 as autobid, therefore a bid of € 100 is placed.
Bidder B bids € 110.
You win the auction with a bid of € 120: the bid of B + 1 bidding step is enough to win the auction.
Bid of another bidder is € 100.
You bid € 200, therefore a bid of € 110 is placed.
Bidder B bids € 120.
You win the auction with a bid of € 130: the bid of B + 1 bidding step.
Bid of another bidder is € 100.
You bid € 200, therefore a bid of € 110 is placed.
Bidder B also bids € 200 after you.
You win the auction with a bid of € 200: your autobid has been placed first.
Bid of another bidder is € 100.
You bid € 200, therefore a bid of € 110 is placed.
Bidder B bids € 201 after you.
Bidder B wins the auction with a bid of € 201: B’s autobid has a higher maximum.
The bid of another bidder is € 100.
You bid € 200, therefore a bid of € 110 is placed.
Bidder B bids € 250 after you.
Bidder B wins the auction with a bid of € 210: your maximum bid + 1 bidding step.
In the future we will organize a monthly Auction Special: a selection of works by a specific artist group or art movement (CoBrA for example, or the Hague School), from a particular art discipline (such as printing techniques, photography or ceramics) or around a specific theme (‘ports and seascapes’ for instance, or ‘modern paintings’). We highlight these Specials on our homepage, via the newsletter and on social media. Auctions in a Special always end on Monday evening between 19:00 and 23:00.
If you wish to auction items in a Special, you can add them to the Special yourself from 2 weeks before the Special ends. Items that have been added to a Special may be removed by Artpeers without giving any reason if we consider that they do not belong there.
Bidding is very straightforward by clicking on the pink button ‘bid’. You bid the amount indicated as ‘next minimum bid’. (If you want to bid automatically up to a maximum set by you, please read the information under autobid). You will also immediately see the total sum (including 15% buyer’s premium) that you can expect to pay for that bid. The bid amounts go up by automatically increasing bidding increments.
Please note: Once you have confirmed your bid, the offer is binding and it cannot be withdrawn.
It is not permitted to contact the seller outside Artpeers in order to make an offer or to conclude a sale. If Artpeers is informed of such a situation, your account will be terminated.
What is the artist’s resale right?
The artist’s resale right ensures that artists (from the EU and EEA) can profit economically from the success of their works. It entitles creators to a percentage of the sale price each time one of their original works is resold. Resale royalties apply to original works in the graphic and fine arts, such as paintings, photographs, signed limited editions and sculptures. This right only apples to sales involving a professional art dealer. The artist’s resale right expires 70 years after the death of the artist.
Please note: in the Netherlands, the resale right only applies to works of art with a sales price of € 3,000 or more, excluding VAT. (In Belgium the threshold amount is € 2,000, excluding VAT.)
When does the resale right apply at Artpeers?
The artist’s resale right does not apply when an artwork is sold by a private individual to another private individual. Only when you are bidding on items offered by the accounts ‘Veilingmeester’, ‘VeilingmeesterCollecties’ or by another professional seller, this may apply to you. Professional sellers at Artpeers are allowed to pass the legally required resale royalties on to you as the buyer. However, they must clearly state in the auction description of the item concerned that they will pass on the resale royalties. The seller is not allowed to confront you with these costs only afterwards.
The seller calculates the resale royalties over the selling price (including the buyer’s premium, excluding VAT) according to a degressive tariff scale:
Calculation example
If a work has been sold for € 60,000, the resale royalty is calculated as follows: 4% resale royalties must be paid over the portion of the resale price up to € 50,000 (€ 2,000). 3% resale royalties must be paid over the remaining part of the resale price (€ 10,000), which is € 300. The total due is € 2,000 + € 300 = € 2,300
If you want to continue reading about the artist’s resale right, please click here.
Your purchase comes with a 3-week guarantee, unless the seller has explicitly specified the contrary in the auction description. The guarantee takes effect from the moment you demonstrably have the work at your disposal, and it covers the authenticity and condition of the work. The guarantee also covers any damage possibly occurring during transport. Please click here to read the Terms of Guarantee.
Free account
A Artpeers account is and will stay free of charge for buyers and sellers. No fixed fees will be charged for participating in the auctions.
Buyer’s premium
You will be charged a buyer’s premium of 15% including VAT on your purchase at Artpeers. This buyer’s premium is calculated over the amount you bid and is clearly indicated at the moment you place your bid, so that you know exactly what the purchase will cost you. You have to pay the buyer’s premium directly to the seller. Artpeers will collect this fee from the seller during the month following the sale.
If you are the highest bidder when the auction closes, a contract of sale is automatically established between you and the seller. Artpeers will send you an e-mail to confirm your winning bid. The seller is obliged to sell the item to you at this winning bid. On the item page, you can find how many successful transactions the seller has previously made at Artpeers.
The seller will contact you within 3 days at the latest to make further arrangements. Your payment must be received within 7 days after the purchase.
Your contact details will be used by Artpeers if necessary to settle a transaction: if you are the highest bidder, we will forward your contact details to the seller allowing him to contact you to make further arrangements.
If you would like to know more about the use of your contact details and personal data, please read our Privacy policy.
Getting in touch with the seller
If you have won an auction, it is up to the seller to contact you within 3 days after the auction to make further arrangements. Together, you will make arrangements about how to pay and about pickup, shipping or delivery by a courier.
Please note: it happens regularly that an e-mail from the seller ends up in the buyer’s spam box. So please check your spam often!
Payment term
You dispose of 7 days after the sale to complete the payment. Your purchase comes with a 3-week guarantee covering the authenticity and the condition of the work.
Delivery or communication problems
If the seller does not contact you or refuses to supply the item, please get in touch with us. Artpeers vouches for reliable trading and if sellers do not respond or refuse to supply, we can resort to our standard procedure.
Many works in auction at Artpeers are offered by one of our accounts Veilingmeester or VeilingmeesterCollecties. In most cases, these are works that belonged to a collection owned by a company, a private individual or an art library, who have consigned their art collection to us for its dispersal.
Invoice and handling
If you have purchased an item offered by one of our accounts Veilingmeester or VeilingmeesterCollecties, you will receive an invoice for your purchase from us within 2 business days. The payment must be made within 7 days. In the attachment to the invoice you will find more information about shipping or delivery of the work.
If an item has remained unsold during the auction, you may have the opportunity to make a one-time bid in the aftersale. This bid must be at least 90% of the starting bid. The seller may accept or reject this bid and has 5 days to do so. During this period the item is ‘under bid’ and it is not possible for other bidders to make an aftersale bid. If the seller does not respond within 5 days, the aftersale bid expires and the item on offer will be automatically removed.
Please note that an aftersale bid is binding. See also the paragraph Binding bid for further information.
If you have purchased an item sold by one of the accounts Veilingmeester or VeilingmeesterCollecties, you will receive the invoice for your purchase from Artpeers. This invoice will be sent within 2 business days after the auction.
If you have purchased a work from another seller, you will mutually agree on the method of payment.
Payment method
You can pay your Artpeers invoice via iDEAL or by bank transfer.
Sellers are not allowed to pass on to you other costs such as storage or restoration costs. However, the seller may take such costs into account when setting the starting bid. Sellers may charge you for shipping or delivery costs (including packaging).
Your bid is always binding. This implies that you cannot withdraw a placed bid and that you are bound to it by law. If you are the highest bidder at the end of the auction, you have won. A contract of sale is automatically established between you and the seller when the auction closes. Autobids or aftersale bids are binding as well.
Please note: the EU Consumer Rights Directive’s right of withdrawal is applicable but only to items sold by professional sellers. However, you may not appeal to this right of withdrawal to evade your responsibilities or your obligation to comply with our auction rules. If you refuse to purchase the item you won, you may be excluded from future participation in auctions at Artpeers.
Binding nature
Auctions at Artpeers are binding: once a first bid has been placed, the seller can no longer remove the item from the auction. The seller is also obliged to sell the auction item to the highest bidder. A contract of sale is automatically established between you and the seller when the auction ends.
Accuracy and completeness of the information
The information that the seller provides about the item in the auction description must be accurate and complete. If there are indications that an auction description contains inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant information, Artpeers will request the seller to correct it. If the seller fails to do so, the item will be removed from the platform.
If you come across inaccuracies in an auction description, please let us know us by e-mail.
The seller may charge you for shipping costs (including packaging). These costs are clearly stated on the page of the item. There, you can also verify if the work can be picked up or shipped by regular mail. The seller may not charge you more than indicated on the page of the item.
If a work cannot be shipped by postal services (e.g. because of its dimensions), the seller must always offer you the opportunity to pick it up for free.
You may request shipping by post for the items sold by one of our Veilingmeester accounts. We will only start preparing the shipment or delivery upon reception of your payment.
Once we have received your payment, we will prepare your purchase for shipment. Post NL collects parcels once a week, on Thursday afternoon, for further transit.