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Mix-Media artwork covered with Epoxy, is a combination of various modern high-quality printing and printing techniques in combination with craftsmanship. The final processing in combination with epoxy provides a glossy 3D effect. Unique Artwork.
Collection number: Writing Love Letter
size: 50 cm x 50 cm
Edition: original edition 02/10
Original signed
Michal Baker, born in Sao Paula, Brazil in 1974.
At the beginning of his career he lived in Brazil. He currently lives and works in the Netherlands and Israel. Micha paints mainly pop art and figurative, where his heroes are comic figures, pop stars, women and often well-known characters. Art with a wink to the current time where everyone is busy and sometimes loses sight of reality.
The techniques he uses in his works are very diverse. His artworks are now being sold by renowned galleries in various countries.