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Special edition, folder with 8 drawings in copper intaglio printing
Limited edition
At the turn of the year 1965-1966, publisher Gebr. Zomers en Keuning (Vada printing house) in close collaboration with the Rijks Museum Kröller Müller in Otterlo, published a file with 8 drawings by Isaac Israëls, executed in the copper intaglio printing process. It was a limited edition exclusively for relations of the publisher / printer. It concerns both beautiful detailed drawings and some rough sketches.
Miss Drs. E. Joosten, deputy director of the Rijksmuseum Kröller Müller wrote the text about Isaac Israëls and the drawings, printed in both Dutch and English. On the back of each engraving is mentioned the drawing number of the Vada map, the origin and the printing process.
Rare item!
In the meantime, the few folders that have survived almost 60 years have become collector's items.