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Cees Muller
Dutch, born in 1941
Cornelius Bastiaan (Cees) Muller was born in 1941 in a village in Zeeland in the Netherlands. He studied at the ‘Academy of fine arts’ in Rotterdam.
During his career Muller skilled himself in several techniques; in Paris he experimented a lot with colours and a combination of styles, which eventually would result in the styles we find in Muller’s paintings nowadays, best to be described as realistic imperssionism.
In critics Muller is highly praised for his artistic view and this unique style.
Apart of his lovely views on the city of Paris, he remained to the Dutch land- and seascapes and, most of all, to the city scenes of Amsterdam.
Muller gained lots of respect with a large range of exhibitions. Nowadays he paints exclusively for ‘De Schilderkamer’ in the famous spiegelkwartier in Amsterdam.
His and our passion is to show Amsterdam as it is nowadays, in all its splendour and glory, with its characteristics, beauty and enchanting charm; strolling through the streets of this we recognize immediately the places where Muller has put his easel.
Titel: ‘A summerday in Amsterdam’
Maat: 70 x 105 cm
Materiaal: olie op canvas
Getekend: links onder Muller
Verzekeringswaarde: €16.000,-