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Keramiek Nederland

Founded in 1880

Dutch Ceramics

Dutch Ceramics has a rich tradition. In this group we concentrate on Modern Dutch Ceramics. This is based on the standard works of Dutch Ceramics (and glass) brands by M. Singelberg-Van der Meer and Dutch Ceramics 1900-1975 by Mieke Spruit-Ledeboer. The standard work of Dutch Ceramics from Jugendstil to 2000 is also by W.D.H. Spijker (aka the "Spijker Collection") highly recommended.

In the beginning, Dutch (ornamental) pottery was mainly known for often very beautiful decorations, for example the many pottery painters who knew the Netherlands in the early 20th century. Later on, the design also became important. The ceramic artists and workshops associated with this group work according to traditional methods and focus on the production of ornamental and utensils with an important aesthetic value.

We start here from the artists of 1880 (the rise of Jugendstil)

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