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Delfts Blauw


Delfts blue

From the 17th century, Delft started producing Delft Blue. This pottery, inspired by Chinese porcelain, was very popular, especially among the wealthier families. For that reason, in 1695 there were no fewer than 30 pottery bakeries active in Delft. Today, however, these are only a few. The pottery produced in Delft is provided with a 'Delft' brand on the bottom of the product. However, copyright has never been applied for for this brand, which means that it does not guarantee that it was actually manufactured in Delft in a traditional way. The products of 'non-Delft' brands that are included in this category therefore do not come from Delft itself, but have been produced in a qualitative way.

Buy Royal Boch - Kaststelset? Bid from 50!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian The cast-off
Dimensions 37.5 x 15.5 x 15.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
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Buy Royal Boch - MARC PAIRON - 8 delig koffieservies “ZEOSEN”? Bid from 38!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian MARC PAIRON - 8-piece coffee set “ZEOSEN”
Dimensions 35 x 10 x 26 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 2810 g
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
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Buy Royal Boch - "La Louvière" , Blauwe Delfts Nuar Keramische Decoratieve Schaal -Rembrandt? Bid from 35!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian "La Louvière" , Blue Delft Nuar Ceramic Decorative Bowl -Rembrandt
Dimensions 29 x 29 x 3.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Royal Boch - Wandbord Made for Royal Sphinx by Boch Belgium - Holland - Delfts? Bid from 35!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian Wandbord Made for Royal Sphinx by Boch Belgium - Holland - Delfts
Dimensions 25 x 25 x 3.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Royal Boch - molenlandschap blauw - wit? Bid from 15!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian mill landscape blue - white
Dimensions 4 x 23 x 23 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
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Buy Royal Boch - MARC PAIRON - 8 delig koffieservies “ZEOSEN”? Bid from 42!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian MARC PAIRON - 8-piece coffee set “ZEOSEN”
Dimensions 10 x 35 x 26 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 2810 g
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
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Buy Royal Boch - Wandbord Made for Royal Sphinx by Boch Belgium? Bid from 30!
Royal Boch (1841) Belgian Wandbord Made for Royal Sphinx by Boch Belgium
Dimensions 25 x 25 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 0.3 g
Signed Hand signed
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