Gineke Zikken (1959)
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Gineke Zikken (1959)

Gineke Zikken (1959)


1978–1985 Dutch language and literature (RuG)/ 1994–1999 Wackersacademie Amsterdam

EXHIBITIONS / ACTIVITIES Open workshops Rivierenbuurt: 2000 T/M 2003; 2008 Gallery Artacasa Amsterdam: 2003; 2005; 2008; 2009; 2012; 2013 Katwijk “En Plein Air”: 2006; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012 Realism Amsterdam: 2007 to 2014 Painting Festival Noordwijk: 2003; 2004; 2006; 2008; 2009; 2011; 2012 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam (with Artacasa): 2007 to 2011

2000 't Veerhuis, Zuidlaren / Havengebouw, Amsterdam Noorderkerk, Hoorn (group)/ Oosterkerk Hoorn 2001 Groningen MSF / Noorderkerk Hoorn (group)/ Veilinghuis Glerum Amsterdam (group)/ Gallery Wim Zwijsen Hoorn (solo) 2002 Kunsthuis Interlokaal - Wezup / Gallery Donker-Licht Dordrecht / participant art and art shop Groningen 2003 Gallery Donker-Licht, Dordrecht / Gallery Mebius, Noordhorn / participant art shop Groningen 2004 art month Ameland (article de Nieuwe Amender) / Galerie RudolfV, Amsterdam / Walls, Amsterdam 2005 Museum Estense Ferrara castle - Italy / 15 painters painted Katwijk, Rijnsburg and Valkenburg commissioned by Museum – / gallery Mebius Noordhorn / housing fair Rai with Artacasa / Glass House, Amstelpark Amsterdam Richards, Groningen 2006 "En plein air" Volendam, hotel Spaander / Kunst en art / Galerie Godà 25 years Wackersacademie / Galerie Müllerpier Rotterdam / Barbizon (France) International exhibition / "The Light" organized by Euro-A rt / Gallery Bakker Wapserveen / Galerie Ter Avest Nijverdal 2007 Galerie Mebius, Noordhorn / Galerie Katwijk Expozee Noordwijk 2008 Galerie Mebius (group exhibition) / Galerie De Vis Harlingen / Open Art Fair Utrecht / Galerie Katwijk / Achter de Zuilen (see review Haarlems Dagblad) 2009 Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen / Arti09 The Hague / Artacasa Amsterdam / Kunstzaal van Heijningen The Hague Art Options Langbroek / Gallery Mebius Noordhorn / Gallery Season in Pictures Callantsoog / Hotel Spaander Volendam 2010 Art and antiques fair Naarden / Primavera Rotterdam Museum Kranenburgh Bergen / Gallery Art Options / Kunstzaal Van Heijningen 2011 Art Weekend Breeland / Historical Museum Deventer / Museum de Koperen Knop / Gallery Oud Zuylen / Open Studios Amsterdam North / Museum Het Prinsenhof Delft / Pulchri Studio / Lamu painters festival (Kenya) / Achter de Zuilen Bloemendaal / 2012 Pulchri Studio The Hague / Stopera Amsterdam / Art Options (25 years Art Options)/ Painting Festival Bergen aan Zee / Open Ateliers Noord / Chikabee Art Galleries De Haan (Belgium)/ Gallery PR2

IN COLLECTION Municipal Museums Deventer; Katwijk's Museum Katwijk; Amsterdam District Court; District of Zuideramstel Municipality of Amsterdam); Dental Center Volendam; Hotel Spaander Volendam; Allianz Art Collection; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam; Municipal Museum The Hague.

WORKING Gineke Zikken is inspired by the landscape and always looks for strong, clear shapes, regardless of whether the source of inspiration is the farmland or the Amsterdam or Rotterdam harbour. Her paintings are therefore rhythmic and the colors are clear but restrained. The work is figurative, the landscapes are clearly recognizable, but because of the composition the work has a high abstract value. It's about shape, color and contrast.

She likes space and being able to see far and often paints the edges of the city. Parking lots, business parks, greenhouses, sheds. “I work very conventionally according to my own perception, but you can still see that I look at it differently than a landscape painter from fifty or a hundred years ago.” Perhaps her technique – she paints more with the palette knife than with the brush – is partly to blame.

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