Michael & Prairie Cotten & Prince - ARTSOUNDS Collection, DELUXE Edition 1986 handsigniert & nummeriert

Michael & Prairie Cotten & Prince - ARTSOUNDS Collection, DELUXE Edition 1986 handsigniert & nummeriert kopen? Bied vanaf 65!
Michael & Prairie Cotten & Prince - ARTSOUNDS Collection, DELUXE Edition 1986 handsigniert & nummeriert kopen? Bied vanaf 65!
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  • Omschrijving
  • Michael & Prairie Cotten & Prince
Type kunstwerk Grafiek (handgesigneerd)
Jaartal 1986
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ArtSounds Collection, Deluxe Edition 1986 handsignierter & numerierter Druck (200 expl.)Rückwärtig der Stempel der ARTSOUNDS COL. - Format ca.: 30 x 30 cm - 12 x 12 inches - in excellentem Zustand --- handsigned and numbered ( one of 200 ) Versand ob des Formates: Versand/shipping: BRD 7,-- als Paket - Europa 4,50 - Overseas 8.00 - :-)/ :-) + 2.00 euro - multiple lots maybe combined : An artist decided to write a piece of music instead of painting a picture, what would the work sound like? If there were lyrics, what would they say? Jeff Gordon, a New York artist-turned-pop-music-composer-and-record-producer, has spent the last year pursuing answers to those questions. This month, in a two-record album released by Philips Classics/Polygram and in an art exhibition at the Nohra Haime Gallery (1000 Madison Avenue, between 77th and 78th Streets), where paintings will be exhibited with headphones hanging nearby, Mr. Gordon offers the fruits of his research. The album, entitled 'Artsounds Collection,' contains 20 songs, poetry readings and assorted other sound pieces composed and performed by such established and younger contemporary artists as Jonathan Borofsky, Tom Wesselman, Larry Rivers, Italo Scanga, Thomas Lanigan- Schmidt, Yura Adams and Philemona Williamson. Enclosed in each album, which costs $19.95, is a poster containing small-scale reproductions of prints by the artists, which in many cases bear a connection, sometimes clear and sometimes not, to the music. A deluxe edition of the album (only 200 to be sold, at $2,500 each) comes with a box containing the signed and numbered prints.

PrijsTot 2 kg.
Binnen Duitsland € 10,00
Europese Unie € 18,50
Wereldwijd € 52,50

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Michael & Prairie Cotten & Prince 

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